Friday, December 24, 2010

Merry Christmas in Brunei

Note: this blog has been moved to You are welcome to visit our new - and improved - round the world travel website. This specific post can be found at

Merry Christmas - Bon Nadal - С Рождеством - 圣诞节快乐 (this one is for Albert :-) to all of you!

For the first time in 8 months of our trip we envy you instead of vice versa :-). We envy you for all the Christmas atmosphere that you are enjoying right now, for the Christmas trees covered in Philips lights, for all the gift shopping you have to do, for the cold outside and the fact that you can wear coats, for the anticipation you feel of having a very special weekend and some of you - a vacation, for the bonuses you will receive :-), for the parties you will attend, for the tasty Christmas food that you will enjoy, but most importantly - for the fact that you will have a very special time with the very special people in your life - your friends and your families.

We envy you because there is none of the above things here in the very quiet and very Muslim country of Brunei. Funnily enough, all the friendly subjects of the Sultan that we meet in the streets do wish us a Merry Christmas, but apart from that there is nothing here to remind us of this very special Christian holiday.

We wish you all a very happy and cozy time around this most special week of the year!

(the above picture is courtesy of Albert Paloma and our beloved Baloo)


  1. Bon Nadal a vosaltres també.
    Doncs que vos que et digui, miro el Blog hi us segueixo tenint enveja ;).


  2. Tu mateix, ja saps quines opcions tens per poder estar en aquesta "banda" del blog ;) Però ja et dic, aquí el Nadal és bastant inexistent... l'únic regal de Nadal que hem tingut ha sigut uns plàtans al mercat de verdura de Bandar Seri Begawan! Estàvem fent temps per agafar l'autocar des de Brunei a Malasia i volíem menjar algo abans de marxar, i només teníem diners per un coco o per plàtans. M'he decidit pel coco (els hauries de provar!) i la venedora ha sentit com parlàvem de plàtans i al cap de res ens diu amb una bossa de plàtans a la ma: Merry Christmas! i això que aquí tothom es musulmà!

  3. Bones Festes parella!

    Un petó molt gros!

  4. Hi Jordi and Olga,

    your blog is becoming a real atlas!
    Hope you are still enjoying all the travelling.
    When are you back to Europe?


